When travelling through South Africa without a car, there are various plane, bus and train networks that will get you where you need to go – but which is the cheapest option?
A plane is the fastest route to get to your destination. However,
Sometimes you may want to take a different yet slow route and view the many wonderful sites on the way to your destination. Places that may have never crossed your mind and some places of which you were not aware. For example a train ride is an experience on its own.
A bus ride however, may require more patience on your part. Sometimes the music played on the bus may not appeal to your taste or the movie may be something you have watched. This time can be used to do something, such as relax, reflect on things such as goals or read a good book.
We took a look at the most popular routes you can take on the Shosholoza Meyl – the most cost-effective train service in South Africa – and look at how it compared with a bus and plane route. Sometimes a plane ride would cost the same as the train on well-serviced routes and other times a bus trips takes the cheap crown. Flying to the smaller cities end up being very expensive compared to the big hubs, and other times you have to weigh up how fast you need to travel.
This article was copied from – https://www.traveller24.com/Explore/SAHolidayGuide/pics-choo-choo-your-way-to-a-new-train-market-in-elgin-other-train-trips-to-explore-around-sa-20180717