US – Al Gore has attacked US President Donald Trump for overseeing a “botched reopening” of the United States which will cause the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans.
The former vice president said Trump was selfish in trying to re-energise the economy in order to boost his re-election efforts later this year.
“It seems as if he may be recklessly rolling the dice hoping that he can goose the economy just enough in the third quarter of this year to enhance his re-election prospects,” said Gore.
“I think that we are seeing the start of a botched reopening.”
Trump was engaging in “magical thinking”, hoping Covid-19 would miraculously disappear so lockdown restrictions can be swiftly relaxed, added Gore.
Gore added that Trump will try to “divert the blame for the extra tens of thousands of Americans who doctors tell us will die as a result of this.”
Mr Trump ha called for states to lift their coronavirus lockdowns over the past weeks and in recent days has even admitted he expected more people to die as a result.