SOUTH AFRICA – Government’s e-recruitment system launched


It is all systems go for government’s new recruitment drive as the Z83 job application form goes digital as from Wednesday.  Job seekers in the public sector can now apply for vacancies from the comfort of their homes with their laptops or mobile phones.

This will make it cheaper, easier and simpler for the public to apply for government jobs. This comes amid government’s plan to scrap experience as a requirement for entry level jobs from April next year.



Moving on with the times, after many complaints from young people calling for easier and cheaper ways to apply for jobs, government finally heeded the call.

Applicants will be able to apply for multiple jobs at various departments at the same time. “One would obviously be able to apply for multiple jobs and only once because the system will reject the second application. The system would enable you to see how many jobs you have applied for because we know there are a lot of job seekers and the positions which are available in government and the private sector are not equivalent to the amount of job seekers,” says Director General at the Department of Public Service and Administration Dr Richard Levine.

This new system does not cancel the old way of applying for jobs. Applicants who do not have access to the internet can still apply via the post or drop off their applications.

Levine says they hope this way of applying will also speedy recruitment processes and also restore confidence in the public sector.

“I think the spirit is one of giving away from or countering the perceptions of “jobs for pals” if you like which is the perception. We accept that it is a perception. So it is  trying to throw it open to new entrants and saying at the same time let’s use an online recruitment system and it also puts pressure on HR departments within various state departments to be responsive.”

Some job seekers were already using the system as soon as it went online. “This system should be better compared to how it has been like we were expected to hand deliver or post our applications, which was costly,” says one of the people.

The system is currently being tested with the Department of Public and Administration vacancies. There are plans to also include vacancies from the health department. The system will cater for all departments once the department is satisfied with its effectiveness.



-SABC News

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