‘Dave Chappelle Live’ comedy tour to kick off in Cape Town


American stand-up comedian and actor, Dave Chappelle, is performing on the African continent for the first time ever with three shows in South Africa. He will be hitting the Grand Arena stage at GrandWest on 27 November on this inaugural African tour

In 2017, Chappelle celebrated 30 years in comedy by releasing four special comedy shows on Netflix, along with a double-feature vinyl comedy album. He has since won two Emmy Awards, a Grammy, and a Pollstar`s Comedy Tour of The Year Award.

Dave Chappelle is best known for his television sketch comedy programme Chappelle`s Show and is one of the most popular touring comics on the American circuit.



Chapelle will grace Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban stages late November and early December with his one-man show “Dave Chappelle Live”.

See tour details below.

Cape Town:  27 November 2018 at the Grand Arena, GrandWest
Durban: 4 December 2018 at the Durban ICC
Johannesburg: 5 December 2018 at Teatro at Montecasino

Tickets are available from bigconcerts.co.za and Computicket.



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